Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center —AIR AND SPACE MUSEUM, Please visit youtube video about SR71 & Buz Carpenter listed below.

My cousin Lee Kitten was part of the crew to flight testing the A12, SR71 ( The Worlds Fastest Jet Airplane), Lockheed Tri-Star, F117A Stealth Fighter, X-35 and others. I personally want to thank LEE KITTEN for all his years of isolation, silence and dedication for our NATIONAL SECURITY. His team exemplifies the finest tradition of “HOW WE CAN”.



Their infamous emblem on the tail of the SR 71. Just how many SR 71’s survive even unto 2018? Jerry has the answer in the next picture and check to see serial #72.



Here are the Blackbird Survivors (30) and notice that #72 is indeed listed.



SR 71’s are rather large.



You tube has a video published by the Smithsonian Museum with Buz Carpenter narrating about this very airplane that he flew several times. He explains many details about the flight characteristics of this very important airplane including when President Nixon authorized a dual fly over of two SR 71’s over Vietnam. Listen towards the end of Buz Carpenter’s interview of why many Vietnam Veterans like Mr. Nixon.   Below is the link to Youtube:



THREE (3) F117’s doing a FLY OVER the STATUE OF LIBERTY.
Their most famous public mission was during OPERATION DESERT STORM.

Lee Kitten did help in the flight testing of the Stealth Fighter 117. Thank you Lee Kitten for your service.



Accidently, Jerry was in the photo of Space Shuttle Discovery.



The B-29 Enola Gay resides in this museum.



I am on the second floor looking down.



Concorde plaque.



Again, just part of this airplane because I am up close.



SPIRIT OF TEXAS just has to be in my website.



Ross Perot Jr., another infamous TEXAN.



CHARLES LINDBERGH “Flew into History”



I just might have to come back to fly this Simulator. Especially since the price is in my range.



Dream for a minute about these flight performances.

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